Tag Archives: veggie

William Freeman

The oath I took as an inspector said if I ever saw anything wrong I was supposted to report it. But today I can’t report anything.Today, if you blow your whistle, you’re in trouble with the inspection service. I feel the oath I took is violated every day I work.

Brian Shelton, Pathogen Control

A photo of chickens drinking water

Image via Wikipedia

I would expect an extremely high percentage of the chickens would test positive. Our poultry industry clients wouldn’t like that.

David Jacobs

Milk wagon and old houses, Grove Street, No. 4...

Image by New York Public Library via Flickr

I know hundreds of people who have spent years and thousands of dollars on tests looking for ulcers or spastic bowels. I tell them to lay off all dairy products for two weeks. The results are usually so striking that it changes their lives.